[TUTO] – Lite EdgeRouter: Configure a PPTP VPN


To continue in line with the articles dealing with the VPN, today I’ll explain how to configure a PPTP VPN on a router Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite without a radius server.

To be able to do it without a radius server, you have to use the configuration in command line. To do this, you can connect in ssh to your router (or with the web interface of your router and open the CLI).

ERL configure a VPN PPTP - CLI

I advise the SSH with Putty for example, you can copy and paste commands more easily.


Once connected, run the commands below to set up the PPTP VPN:

  • Enter configuration mode
  • Activate the local authentication mode rather than RADIUS
set vpn pptp remote-access authentication local mode
  • Define a local account
set vpn pptp remote-access authentication local-users username YOURNAME password YOURPASSWORD
  • Set IP to use when clients connect put it away. Here you can connect 6 users max simultaneous
set pptp remote-access vpn client-ip-pool start
set pptp remote-access vpn client-ip-pool stop

Replace the IP addresses above by him range corresponding to your network IP


Optional parameters

  • Set the size of the packets to 1492
set vpn pptp remote-access mtu 1492
  • Set the DNS servers to be used by customers
set vpn pptp remote-access dns-servers server-1
set vpn pptp remote-access dns-servers server-2
  • Send the new configuration
  • Save the configuration
  • Leave the configuration


Now the configuration is in place. To see it, you can return to the web interface of your router and go to the VPN tab. you will then see your PPTP VPN configuration.

ERL configure a PPTP VPN - PPTP Configuration

You can also see real-time connected users in the Users menu then Remote in

ERL configure a VPN PPTP - users


Hoping I could be useful, feel free to comment this article if you encounter problems or if your problem is solved! M.

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