[TUTO] – VSTS GIT : How to force the use of the proxy with GIT


We’ll see how to force proxy usage with GIT for the Visual Studio application.

This article follows a problem encountered with the Visual Studio application. It was impossible for us to download the sources available on the Visual Studio Team Services application locally on our post.

After troubleshooting, we realized that the web feeds did not go through the proxy at all.

Open a Powershell console as administrator, and then verify that no proxies are currently configured by typing the following command:

git config --global --get HTTP.Proxy

No return of the command ? This means that no proxies are configured.


Now enter this command to set up your proxy. Do not forget to replace “monproxy mydomain:8080”.

git config --global http.proxy http://monproxy.mondomaine:8080


If you re-enter the following command, you should now have a command return and see the proxy you just set up.

git config --global --get HTTP Proxy


If you want to remove the proxy, enter the following command:

git config --global --unset http.proxy


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